C# Fundamentals with Visual Studio

C# Fundamentals with Visual Studio 2015

Publeished date : 2015
Manufacturer : Pluralsight
Website: pluralsight.com
Author: Scott Allen
Duration: 5:20
Type : Video lesson
English language
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Description:  In this course, we'll see how to build classes, program with objects, and work with interfaces using the C# language.

An Introduction to C# and .NET
  1. Introduction
  2. Setup
  3. .NET
  4. The Common Language Runtime
  5. The Framework
  6. The C# Language
  7. Hello, World
  8. The Compiler
  9. Visual Studio
  10. Debugging
  11. Are You Sleepy?
  12. Summary  

Classes and Objects
  1. Introduction
  2. The Grade Book
  3. Classes and Objects
  4. Constructors
  5. Classes and Variables
  6. Reference Types
  7. Access Modifiers
  8. Statics
  9. Statistics
  10. Computation
  11. Summary

  1. Introduction
  2. Assemblies
  3. Browsing Assemblies
  4. Referencing Assemblies
  5. Unit Testing
  6. Tests and Access Modifiers
  7. Tests and Floats
  8. Summary                     
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  1. Introduction
  2. Reference Types
  3. Value Types
  4. struct and enum
  5. Passing Parameters
  6. ref and out
  7. Immutability
  8. Arrays
  9. Summary

Methods, Fields, Events, and Properties
  1. Introduction
  2. Methods
  3. Fields and Properties
  4. Events
  5. Delegates
  6. Events Revisited
  7. Summary

Control Flow
  1. Introduction
  2. Branching
  3. Switching
  4. Iterating
  5. Jumping
  6. Throwing
  7. Handling
  8. Chaining
  9. Finally
  10. Summary

Object Oriented Programming
  1. Introduction
  2. The Pillars
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Abstract Classes
  6. Interfaces
  7. Common Interfaces
  8. Where to Go Next
  9. Summary


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